Are we an “evil” generation? Jesus used this descriptor for those who. came to him demanding a sign from God to “prove” his legitimacy. (Luke 11:29-32) Do we seek signs from God before we decide to follow a way of life? Are we in a “Show Me” state? What would it take to convince us so completely that we are willing to live and to die (if necessary) for someone or some cause? Following Jesus is no part-time job.

Continuing his response, Jesus points to lessons from history. When the pagan queen of the South came to visit Solomon, based on his reputation for wisdom, she went away certain that she had been in the presence of someone who had acquired wisdom. When Jonah, the reluctant and rebellious prophet, preached in the capital city of the hated enemy, the brutal, unbelieving people of Nineveh, they repented.

Jesus finishes his argument with a powerful and mysterious statement. There is something here greater than Solomon’s wisdom or Jonah’s preaching, as impressive as these were. He doesn’t say that there is someone greater here. Though we might be tempted to go there.

The implication is that all the people around him need do is open their eyes and see what’s going on: countless people’s lives are being transformed. There is only one source for such an outpouring of gracious goodness – God, our loving Abba (Papa/Mama God). Jesus’ teaching, healing, liberating and the response, especially of the little people, is the only sign to be given. God’s Kingdom is breaking into our history in a new and definitive way.

We today are also called to open our eyes, our ears, our hearts to the signs of God’s love at work among us.The heart of Jesus’ mission and message is and always will be, whatever the age: The Kingdom of God is at hand! Allow yourself to be taken and transformed! Believe this Good News! Live it!

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